
2021 Commencement to be Held in Person

By Elise Koebl (‘22)

It has been a little over a year since Covid scared the world and was thrown into a pandemic. Houghton College students were sent home a little over halfway into their spring semester, and the class of 2020 saw their graduation ceremony performed online through a virtual stream on Youtube. With so many changes to daily life and starting to see the world regain some normalcy, many have been wondering what this year’s graduation will look like compared to last year. 

Michelle Miller has good news to share for the class of 2021. Houghton College is planning to hold commencement on May 8th in person this year with a modified in-person event. Seniors will get to walk around the quad led by the bagpipers like they did four years ago. “Specifically, graduates will be located in the CFA to watch the ceremony until they are ready to walk across the stage in Wesley Chapel to receive their diploma. Each senior is invited to bring two guests to campus to view the ceremony via live stream at various locations around campus and then join their graduates for an outdoor reception.” There is also going to be a baccalaureate service that will be for seniors only, no guests are allowed as there is no guest seating. 

Due to current Covid guidelines, Miller expressed difficulty with preparations for commencement, “Planning has been challenging to say the least due to the ever-changing COVID guidance from New York State.  We have considered nearly every possible option on campus, with the exception of the ski hill, for hosting the events in-person for graduates and all of their guests.  While the creative juices were flowing for the past few months on behalf of our 243 graduates, we are ultimately constrained by NYS guidance which is in place for the safety of everyone.  This year’s weekend is a step forward from last year’s full virtual events, but not as “normal” as the 2019 in-person, traditional events that we’ve enjoyed for so many years.” 

Both Commencement and the Baccalaureate will be viewable to the public via an online stream. While it is not completely back to normal as most would hope, it is very welcome that the seniors can march on the quad like they did several years ago. ★

By Houghton STAR

The student newspaper of Houghton College for more than 100 years.