
The Powerful Cycle of Passion and Work

Last semester, while sitting in the lobby of the chapel, waiting to pass out Friday papers, the inner doors opened for a moment, and I heard the speaker speak the words made famous by Confucius: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” And my immediate reaction, before I could stop myself, was “no.” No, that’s not right at all. It can’t possibly be that simple, no, why would you say something like that? Is that supposed to assuage the rumpled soul of a soon-to-graduate-student like myself, reassure me that the past four years of my life have not been spent for naught? Is it a guarantee that I will somehow be successful and content in the future if I can just pick the right path, even when stories and statistics tell me otherwise? My questions amounted quickly, my indignation rising. However, recognizing the futility of getting worked up over words that I had heard only indirectly, and out of context, I tried not to let them get to me. Chapel ended soon thereafter, and my afternoon followed in an orderly fashion, according to routine.

Despite my best efforts to forget them, though, those words followed me for the rest of the day, and have been rolling around in the back of my mind since I first heard them months ago. My gut reaction to them is still the same as it was then, a determinedly firm “no,” but after mulling over, I think I can now better articulate why. As I have lived in different places and gotten to know many different people, a consistency has been that I am drawn to those who live life passionately. You know the type. The person who, for one reason or another, is filled with that near-inexplicable…thing. An unquenchable zeal, it would seem, for whatever it is that they love: a language, a theory, a field, an era, a medium, a people group. Of the people like this whom I have had the privilege to know, with their diverse dreams, desires, and domains, the commonality they all share is that they work. Hard. Their expertise or abilities are not the gifts of random chance. The love they have for what they do has been and continues to be the result of time and effort.

Which brings up a concept that came to me of my ruminations: in the lives of people I greatly admire, the love of their field or craft has been honed. They did not stumble, one day, upon an already-formed passion of unique and exquisite construction and go “Ah-ha, now I know what to do for the rest of my life,” get a job in that field, and then let nature take its course. The love each of these individuals brings to their work is attractive to me because it has been acquired and shaped gradually through, yep, work. For me, this creates a picture of the love for your job and the concept of work as being inextricably linked, one influencing the other in a continual, beautiful repetition. The work fuels the love, and vice versa. It is a never-ending cycle, or at least it is in its ideal form.

laurenAs I continued conceptualizing my rebuttal to Confucius’ long-esteemed words, I came across another problem: the use of the word “job”. Clearly, cultural and linguistic context are integral in understanding a statement such as this one, so I will refrain from criticizing Confucius himself, since I admit that I don’t really know what he hoped to communicate when he uttered the original version. The way the word “job” is interpreted in my context, however, still causes me to trip up here. I am a senior, and the closer I have drawn to the end of my time here, the more I have found myself confronted with queries about my next steps, my plans for the future. My answers to these questions, or lack thereof, often sound hollow, even to my own ears. I haven’t been able to select just one potential career, narrow down my options to just one path upon which to embark, choose that one job that I love because, frankly, I love too many things. There’s some overlap, sure, but the diversity of the things I have invested myself in makes it overwhelmingly difficult to pick among them. The way I have heard Confucius interpreted tells me that my uncertainty dooms me to drudgery; until I finally discover what I love, choose that job, and my life eases accordingly, but I disagree. I think the order of events is wrong, and I don’t believe that a ‘job’ should be my all-consuming goal in life. There’s so much else to live for.

So where does that leave me, at the end of my mulling-over these old words? It leaves me with the conviction that my focus in life should be in honing my passions, in developing my varied loves through work (since the latter is simply inevitable), and in seeing where these things take me. I desire to see my life amount to so much more than a job, even one that I love. Maybe not having a plan etched in stone will turn out alright in the end. Maybe it won’t. For now, I’ll keep working.



Students and the Recognition of the Sabbath

Every Sabbath, I ask myself this: to do homework or not to do homework – that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to conquer the papers and projects of outrageous overload, or to relax with my weekly Sabbath away from the tsunami of stress.

saffabthEven here at a Christian college, I notice that many students spend their Sabbaths cramped up in their room, studying for that big exam they have the next day or starting that eight page paper that they have been avoiding like the plague. Where is their Sabbath day of rest in this? What has happened to the day that God has set aside as holy? Exodus 31 tells us, “You must keep the Sabbath day, for it is a holy day for you,” and what joy we feel when we observe the Sabbath!
The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). We are human, and because of that, we have limitations. We cannot run continuously without ever getting exhausted; heck, I can barely run a mile without breathing like Darth Vader and getting side stickers. For us humans, rest is a necessity. In 2011, full-time college students studied an average of 15 hours a week, 30% got less than 6 hours a sleep a night, and 25% worked 20 hours or more a week (National Survey). These statistics alone show that college students overwork, under-sleep, and over-commit themselves.
But because God cares for us and loves us, He gives us a model to follow. That model is himself. On the third page of my Bible, I read, “On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation” (Genesis 2:2-3). Now, I can’t imagine that God was exhausted and that He actually needed an entire day to rest. But God set an example so that His children could emulate Him. So why don’t we? Why do we fill the Sabbath with work, homework, and constant business?
This is something that we as Christians should change. We should weekly take the Sabbath. So what is one to do on the Sabbath? Are they just supposed to lie in bed all day sleeping? Well, there is a difference between being lazy and resting. I believe Barbara Brown Taylor, a priest, professor, and theologian, says it best in her book, An Altar in the World, when she describes the Sabbath as “a day of saying no. A day of spiritual growth. A day of not doing, but being.” I don’t think the question is so much, “If I do this, does that count as working on the Sabbath?” as much as “How can I rest today and enjoy this day that God has blessed me with and has made holy?”
That being said, I’m not going to be like the Pharisees, defining what can and cannot be done on the Sabbath, but know that the Sabbath looks different for each person. Sleep in. Go to Church. Spend time with God: through prayer, worship, his word. Journal. Spend time relaxing, giving your mind a break from all of the studying and paper writing. Fellowship with friends, enjoying their company. Go on a hike. Read a book. Take a nap. The options are endless.
But there is one thing that is important, and that is to “Be still and know that God is God” (Psalm 46:10).
And I admit, it is hard to obey the Sabbath. This past Sunday, I battled with whether to do homework or not. With two papers and readings that were due on Monday alone, taking an entire day off from homework sounded unreasonable. But I tell you what, I kept the Sabbath. I spent time with God, I worshipped, I watched a movie, read a book, hung out with friends, and ended the night celebrating a friend’s birthday. And throughout it all, I had peace. When Monday morning rolled around, God gave me the strength to rise out of bed, and blessed me with an abundant amount of time to work on homework. And I am still at peace, thankful once again, that I obeyed my Father, rested, and took the Sabbath.
I believe Christian author Mark Buchanan sums up the Sabbath the best, saying, “Sabbath imparts the rest of God – physical, mental, spiritual rest, but also the rest of God – the things of God’s nature and presence we miss in our busyness.”
For these very reasons, every Sunday I say to myself: To observe Sabbath or to observe Sabbath. There is no question.