Artist of the Week

Artist of the Week: Sophie Tierney

Artist of the Week: Sophie Tierney, About the Artist: Sophie is a Senior working to receive her degree in Applied Design and Visual Communica:ons. Her concentra:on is in photography. She plans to use this to work as a documentary and freelance photographer. She loves to travel, spend :me with her friends and family, and go on spontaneous adventures. She found a passion for photography on the art and Italy may term her Freshman year. She plans on working with Wycliffe Bible translators doing photography and marke:ng with missionary groups for a three-month internship aGer she graduates. She also has a love of studio and portrait photography. You can usually find Sophie in the studio or in her room bingeing her latest NeKlix obsession. Sophie’s website is and her art instagram is @sophielynn_photography.Check out more of Sophie’s work on her website or on Instagram at @sophielynn_photography!

By Houghton STAR

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