Letter to the Editor Opinions

Letter to the Editor // Holly Chaisson

Dear Editor,

I’m writing in response to Eli French’s recent op-ed piece, “May You All Find Rest”. Although I’m not surprised, I’m saddened to hear that the LGBTQ community at Houghton still experiences instances of rejection, hatred, and exclusion. I understand that this issue has been and continues to be a complex and fraught one on Houghton’s campus. It wasn’t that long ago that I dealt with it during my own tenure at the STAR by attempting to open the space for a wider dialogue with the LGBTQ community. Given this, I am not trying to argue that Houghton must change their stated views on homosexuality (particularly given their commitment to the Wesleyan tradition). I respect their right to an opinion on this matter even though I don’t agree with it. What is not acceptable is that LGBTQ students are still being made to feel like they are less, like they are undeserving of the incredible opportunity Houghton offers each of its students. I would hope it is not the case that the majority of the campus treats the LGBTQ community in the ways described by the article, but I am painfully and personally aware of the ways Houghton can and does do a disservice to its LGBTQ students. I wholeheartedly embrace French’s conclusion that the church, that Houghton, ought to embrace the LGBTQ community and welcome them to the table, regardless of their opinion on the matter. It can be done and done well, and–to Houghton’s credit–it is not without precedent. I know and trust that there are loving and supportive members of the Houghton community who, although they may fundamentally disagree, welcome and embrace the queer community. Houghton you have done, and you can continue to do, better.

Holly Chaisson

Class of 2016

Former Editor-in-Chief